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Mykayla [email protected]
You begin figuring out how to accomplish this by contacting multiple local broadband providers and determining which ones can cover which camera location. Each provider offers different speeds, different SLAs, different costs, and different technologies. Some will run cables all the way to your camera. Others take one look at where you want the device and say, “sorry, we aren’t licensed to do this.” You realize this is going to take a long time, be expensive, complex to manage, and some locations simply won’t meet the SLAs needed for either the control channel uptime requirement of 99.99%, while others won’t be able to ensure the 200 Mbps required for all possible RTSP streams. Then, the project manager pokes their head in your office and says, “by the way, we need to add 50 mobile cameras that can be set up and torn down by the police within 30 minutes each.” This is a problem.